From the outside looking in running a business might seem easy. With styled photos, elegant websites and a seemingly perfect facade, one can get wrapped up in the perfectness of everything. But the fact is, running a business is not always what it seems. Over the past year and a half I have learned a few things that I thought were blog worthy and could definitely be applied to everyday life, so I thought I would share.
1. Accept the Mess
And when I say mess I mean the physical mess. Don’t be fooled by those perfectly styled Instagram photos. Your office will pile up and the clutter will surround you. You will have stacks of half completed orders waiting to be finished, receipts that haven’t been entered for months and emails waiting for your response. Not to mention the pile of laundry and list of errands that is constantly screaming your name at home. This is a fact of a life. Accept the mess.
2. Develop a System
In order to combat topic number one you WILL need a system. For me it is never-ending to-do lists, content calendars, my planner and physical client files, nicely labeled with all of their details inside. Don’t get me wrong, this system sort of organically evolved as I winged it along the way, but it has definitely been a lifesaver lately, since I tend to be getting busier! ;) I have also begun applying my system of lists to my household schedule and its seems to working quite well. (Stay tuned for future posts, I am sure I will share!)
3. Simplify
This sort of piggy backs off of number two, but a system will really help you to simplify your life. Recently adding a customized client questionnaire to our website has helped streamline our consultation process, giving me more time to get my to-do list knocked out and to spend time with people that matter family.
4. The Worst They Can Say is No.
Don’t be afraid to send that email, hit that submit button or call your most admired person. The worst someone can say is no. And then you can walk away knowing you tried. And if they say yes, you have made a new friendship that could have limitless potential.
5. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
I am sort of calling the kettle black on this one since this tends to be a daily struggle for me; but I try to tell myself everyday “you-do-you”. Focus on your goals, your dreams and reach for your stars. Everyone has a different story and comparing yourself will only disappoint.
Are there things that you do in your life to help ease the clutter? Or simplify your schedule? Do you ever find yourself comparing your life others? How do you combat these daily struggles?